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Olivia Rivera

The Angel and the Two Wolves

“When the darkness meets the light, the darkness fades away into nothing and all that is left is the glow of the warmth of the light. The light will always snuff out the darkness. “ -Nathaniel

I have always been aware that Nathaniel is a fictional character that I created, but there are times that I must remind myself that he speaks the words that I think and feel. So, in essence that makes him as real to me as the air that I breath. However, this post isn’t about Nathan, it is about me today. Something strange has occurred inside of me. The battle between the light and the dark seems to have subsided. Neither side has won the war, they are just at rest and at peace with one another for the time being. What was the cause of this peace treaty between the battle of the gods? Not sure really. I just woke up one morning and changed the things I didn’t like, or I felt were harming me. I broke of relationships, set boundaries for new and existing ones, took time to myself, spend time with family, and even set boundaries in my work life. Now please don’t misunderstand me, I didn’t just wake up that day with an incredible epiphany. No…I had known this feeling and this change had been a long time in the making. I just had to reach deep down into myself and manifest the changes that I sought. So why the changes? Why now? What occurred? Well, truth is nothing occurred that wasn’t already in motion, the time of this event is irrelevant. They why, however, is important.

Peace of mind and serenity are things that we feel we can manifest in our lives as easy as money, relationships, or material things, but the truth is that they are much more difficult to achieve when your manifestation is being blocked by so much noise and chaos. The world we live in today is full of so much noise, misinformation, miscommunication, mistrust, and chaos that we have forgotten how to be at peace within ourselves. Yes, we can disagree, however we can also still display the best parts of our humanity to one another. When we divide ourselves into camps, when we choose sides, or we dig our heels into our beliefs, we forget to listen to one another. This is humanity’s greatest crime. It corrodes trust, it lessens hope, and it chips away at the parts of us that make us unique and beautiful. It is in our very nature to be confrontational and argumentative, but please remember that it is also in our nature to love, trust, protect, hope, and believe in one another. Like the Indians story of the two wolves that live inside of us. One is full of hate, anger, and envy, the other is full of hope, love and understanding. The question the Indians always presented was “Which one of the wolves wins the battle”? The answer has always been simple…” It’s the one you feed the most”.

So, that’s why I have had my own internal manifestation of what I felt needed to change in my life. I sometimes can almost swear I can hear Nathaniel whispering in my ear…And I can hear the battle of the wolves taking place. Two wolves, the light and the dark.

So, which one of your wolves wins your fight?


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